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How to start your own
agricultural business

Tomatoes in plastic boxesRipe zucchini on the grass LogoArrow Constantly rising prices for food can not help but lead to the idea of trying to stand "on the other side of the counter" and get at least a small part of the rapid flow of cash, which every day goes to the purses of food producers. It will not be so difficult to do how it may seem to a city dweller who judges on agriculture from television reports coming from collective farm fields. To get profit in this business and master its basics, it is not necessary to plant hundreds of hectares of vegetables or sunflower at once. To start a farmer's career, it's enough to put a box with soil on the window-sill and press some seeds into it.

Broad horizons of the grocery business

The current economic situation in a blink of an eye turned recently abandoned and useless agriculture into the most popular business. It is difficult even to estimate approximately its prospects, since food is the most sought-after substance after air and water. Even the poorest people spend a lot of money on food, and during periods of aggravation of crisis phenomena, monthly spending on food becomes the main issue of concern to ordinary citizens, journalists, sociologists, party and state figures.

That's why the idea that it would be nice to turn from a regular customer of food, spending almost all his revenues on it, into its permanent seller, sooner or later may come to a mind of any enterprising person. If he does not brush it off, but really starts to learn food production, then with sober calculation and far-sighted planning he will be able to direct to him some part of that daily stable flow of money that settles in the pockets of large, medium and small players in the food industry.

Growing radishes and onions on the windowsill

Perhaps the simplest way to start your journey into a grocery business is to cultivate radish, green onions and a tomato. You can start the process of obtaining an additional product without waiting for a warm season. It is enough to take a cardboard box, to cover it from the inside with plastic bags, to fill it with soil, and even clean sand for the radish, and plant seeds.

For the reason that radish poorly survives after the transplantation, its entire vegetative cycle will have to be carried out in the same box, from which it should be taken out in a month and a half, washed, bundled and brought to the market or handed over to vegetable shopkeepers. The heads of green onions germinate and give usable shoots very quickly, so in a couple of weeks it will be necessary to cut off the green feather, also tie it in bundles and sell it. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the income received should be higher than the cost of radish seeds and onion heads used for planting, otherwise the business will be unprofitable.

Culling and planting tomato seedlings

Somewhat differently, the process of growing tomatoes is going on. From planting to obtaining red vegetables in this case, it takes about three months, with about a third of this time spent on obtaining seedlings. A warm and well-lit apartment is perfect for this purpose, so it remains to buy tomato seeds and put them in a box with an interval of about twenty centimeters. Little by little watering them every day, already in a week or so, you can wait for the appearance of young shoots.

By the quality of their first two leaves, it is possible to predict with great certainty how viable and fertile the entire bush will be, so that sprouts with weak, curved, twisted leaves must be decisively removed. If it turns out that the shoots grow too close to each other, then they must be transplanted as soon as possible to increase the distance between them. Tomato seedlings are very sensitive to poor illumination, which will force the closely growing seedlings to compete for the light stream, pulling the stems up and delaying the development of their side shoots system.

Moving tomatoes to the garden, watering and ripening fruits

When the young tomato seedlings get stronger, they can be transplanted into a hotbed, and in regions with a warm climate - directly to the open bed. It should be borne in mind that after transplantation, resulting in a change in soil and atmospheric conditions, seedlings may become ill, so the "pale appearance" of newly transplanted tomato seedlings should not cause panic. To facilitate the adaptation process, you need to water abundantly the seedlings immediately both after the transplantation, and every day for a week after it. In places with a harsh climate, heat-loving tomatoes need to be brought to the stage of fruit formation and ripening directly in greenhouses and hotbeds, where, by the way, because of the high humidity, the question of irrigation will not be too acute.

In the southern regions, early tomatoes bear fruit well under the open sky at the end of June - the middle of July, but their cultivation can face such problems as drought and pest attack. And if the fight with the first one does not pose much difficulty, when there is a source of water near the garden bed, then with the second one it will be better just to come to terms.

Limited damage from whitefly and critical drought risk

The insecticides used to repel insects that lay their larvae into young tomato flowers are expensive, and therefore the costs of them will easily absorb if not all the profit, then its lion's share. In addition, there is no guarantee that poisonous chemicals will not absorb into plant's tissues and will not have a negative impact on both its life cycle and the nutritional quality of the vegetables.

Long-term experience of growing tomatoes on the open ground showed that the invasion of harmful insects can cause significant damage, but rarely ends with the complete destruction of the crop. At the same time white butterfly for example shows high activity not every year, but usually once in five seasons, so you may not be afraid of too much damage due to her appearance. Drought is much more dangerous in terms of harm. A few days of watering delay in hot weather will make tomato bushes wilt and weaken, their flowers will dry out, and the vegetables already formed will stop developing normally. LogoArrow

A bench in the field next to the garden

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